Aldub Tamang Panahon Hits Philippine Arena Live Video and Replay

One of the top noon time show hits today "Kalyeserye" was performing their first ever concert on Philippine Arena with a slogan sa Tamang Panahon. This phenomenal event breaks the record in twitter this morning for almost 7.1 million tweets, none other shows break this records so far. I've really admire this show cause it is not a noontime show anymore but a CHARITY show because of their good intentions to help schools have their own library which called it "Aldub Library". This will be a blast cause the live streaming on Philippine Arena will be held in this posts.

The amazing is that when they announced that they will performed on Philippine Arena for a cause, approximately 3 hours the tickets are completely sold out, WOW. I'm so much excited for this one time phenomenal event. This is another record breaking.

Here's the photo snapshot of the fans who are waiting for the bus. What makes me amaze is that their 100% support on Aldub, cause one of those fans are waiting 10pm last night. What an amazing commitment to show support. Meanwhile the hashtag #ALDubEBTamangPanahon was whooping tweets of almost 8 million and counting. Congratulations to all AldubNation.