It will be released on 15th of May 2015 by Universal Pictures. The Barden Bellas had a humiliating performance at Kennedy Center where the significant people were present for the President’s Birthday. In order to regain their status and right to perform on stage they entered an international competition that no American group has ever won. Will the Pitches regain their status after the humiliation? Or they’ll remain watching the performances of others? Together we will watch this movie and see how this goes.

Pitch Perfect (2012) features the cup song, it is said that here in Pitch Perfect 2 they will compete and perform with an original song. And as we all know a original song is not allowed in the competition. Well, let’s all see how this young ladies collaborate to each other to win the international performance where an American group has no chance in winning. Hope you’ll enjoy watching and you’ll able to practice your voice box and throat. Haha. Lezzgo Pitches!